Day 8: Loving vibes, horny lyrics.
Do you find yourself attractive?
How old were you when you formed your first crush?
What the first solo Louis song that you heard?
guess the year i was born :3
What is your favorite Dunkin item currently?
2010 to 2012 borns which decade do you like more?
any advice on things to get my stress out
guess my age/generation based off of images that remind me of when i was little (don’t look at my profile for help)
baby names- top picks are Leela Rose and Liam Gray
How would you group these pronunciations of similarly spelled names?
Why are so many Gen Z teens just.. so transphobic, racist, etc?
Ladies, I need your girl translator.
Monthly checkup! What's y'all's sexuality?
How do you deal with dress code?
He’s not interested but wants to be friends
What’s y’all’s favorite One Direction era?
I became rich for free
where to buy official merch
Kids at my school fking suck
Americans, how do you pronounce Helena?
What's the best slice?
How would you say Conic?
Got a whole subway car to myself. Has anyone else gotten a whole subway car to themselves before?