When questioned why I know something is flammable.
Vehicle purchased out of state and shipped to me arrived with no paperwork.
Y’all think I can reuse this?
Paramotoring on the Utah Lake ice
If you haven’t Paramotored on ice, you are missing out!
Guy brings a bike in that he just purchased. We get it started and engine is pretty noisy. While looking into what is the cause of noise we remove right body work and see this mess under the clutch cover. Looks like someone sealed up a hole in the engine!!
What's something considered to be dumb but actually is a sign of intelligence?
What random useless fact lives rent free in your head?
How many people have to work tomorrow?
anyone else "ruin" TIG/GTAW gloves for welding by not taking them off to handle the work pieces?
What's a book you think everyone should read at least once in their lifetime?
What happened to that one teacher at your school?
Molten metal is actually hot, go figure!
I don’t know if anyone needed wholesome, but I seriously love my life
What's the most WOW thing you've seen on Google Maps?
The cat knows she is not allowed on the table
Tipping on Takeout
What would you do?
Are there any good pharmacy options around South Salt Lake / Murray that y'all like?
Remember to change your oil folks
The way she gets out at the end, as if she's in the right.
What, according to you, is the perfect TV show that everyone should watch at least once?
It's been a little slow at the shop
Measure twice, cut once... Cutting up the interior on this $450k Porsche 911 GT2 RS Weissach had me a bit nervous.