We get it
The comments calling her out
Feeding aversion
Annoying things my MIL has said since finding out I’m pregnant
I’m inducing on March 31st!!!
stopping calorie counting so that i can lose weight? has anyone done that before?
Could have atleast taken the boxes out of the fireplace lmao
Pure laziness
If you fast for weight loss. How do stop your self from eating?
When did you start buying baby gear?
Ladies I have a question
Hunters channel?
ob couldnt hear heartbeat on doppler
Can anyone tell me why my vagina feels shorter now?
This trip is just giving too much good to snark on.. i'm
Postpartum blues
Book for baby
Corrected herself kind of?
Hardly anyone says baby looks like me - why does it hurt to hear?
What does she have in her eye?
Conflicted on when to start trying
What’s a good wl goal for a month?
Wtf hahahahaha
How are we all boinking?
No worries 🫣