7 week old feeding for hours and not sleeping during the day 🫠😵💫
Two really basic questions (I think?).. How do people do this? 😓
21m old rejecting & hitting mom + newborn baby blues 💔😔
Can someone talk me off a ledge? The nursery isn't done and I'm sobbing at 4am
Is there a backing I can get to install this screw??
I don’t understand colostrum / the first few days before your milk comes in..
Drop in percentiles from 50 to 21.. Should I be pushing for more monitoring?
FRER seems stalled 16-18 DPO Still not quite as dark as the control line..
Bad experience with anesthesia with 1st birth / Will it happen again for the 2nd? 😓😩
How much should you feel with an epidural? 😳😳
Sneak peak gender reveal home test
Any clues here? 13+1! 🩷🩵
sneak peek wrong, NIPT right?
Midwives always in room while in labour?
Terrible reaction to epidural / What should I do for Baby 2? C Section or Natural?
18 DPO-24 DPO Progression with FRER / Seems stalled or losing strength?