Caline the Big Orange vs. Orange Burst
Will I be able to complete this?
OD’s ThatClean Up Like a Fuzz Face
What would you use and what am I missing?
First pedalboard
My first attempt at a shoegazing affordaboard
Put together a little starter board for my 13 yo daughter
Update day
NPD - GUPtech orange pedal delivery!
Boss RC-1 & MXR M199 Tap?
The perfect pedalboard doesn’t exist…
Travel Board for 1 Set
Sorry me again, sorry i forgot to ask about Power supplies! Im currently using the Caline CP-05 so i supose i should point higher(?) thanks!!
Give me all the advice please! And if you could add one or two pedals whose those would be? Thanks
Optimal Signal Chain?
I finally have finished my first board!
New pedalboard coming!
Name me a versatile phaser that's readily available
Can I still practice on this guitar with this action
What essential pedal should I get next for the spot on the bottom right?
Best 1992 grunge album?
SOTB: Any advice on what to replace/change?
Board building help
Ts9 & Sd1 your thoughts
What is the best album of 1989?