TCM need to go F2P
Poor Mark.
One pic to scare og family mains
Anyone else do this with TCM?
If Johnny is the only family member who wears gloves when he kills does that mean hes the only one who doesn't get caught?
How do you feel about the new skins?
I guess the new skins are cool and all but y no new skin for bones :(
We are waiting for this leatherface version
Whos the best TCM YouTuber
Slaughter house got changed!
Predictions for LF execution
Unused Sissy Execution
Sorry Julie, there was a fly on you 😭
I've seen this before
I'll never understand the "hate" towards this game
Personal Family Tier List
Content pass theory
Update on January 28th, New Content Pass 2003 Leatherface Skin
Where does the new ending take place?
We’re getting close…
I can't believe it took this long but came across my first ever hacker today lol
What Was Your Longest Match, How Did It Go, And Who As? ⏰🩸
A Day
How different would the first game be with a female protagonist?