Ftp I’ve gotta lucky ask out of the 3k packs last two events
team update finally get to chill for a bit
Who is the best CAM?
Who is the best CAM in the game?
3k gem pack luck
Had some huge pack luck today
Did not think there was a chance I’d pack Cruyff after mbappe 😭😭
Any upgrades got 3 mil
Finally got my upgraded striker and only costed me 3k gems 🔥
Looking for a somewhat active league to chill in mine is dead
Does anyone know a way past this?
Need a opinion which one I should get, I can get them for around the same price but can’t decide which one is the better purchase
Who are the best utoty? Do any really stand out as best at there positions? Should I get any
Is R9 still worth buying?
My f2p rate it
3rd 99 pull this week what do you think of my team?
Anything I should upgrade 750 mil budget
Looking for a active league
Got 2 billion to spend how can I improve best team possible
Suggestions I got two bil to spend
Has anyone had this issue when trying to get into your account?
Is he good?