Retromod C7A2, anyone?
723 ad infinitum
1969. Grand Prix
Does anyone make a short barrel AR upper with a pinned muzzle brake already welded in place?
Looking to get another H&R retro AR, but I’m wanting a pistol version with the brace this time. Suggestions ? I’ve got a 723 and a 727 that I built already. TIA
Yet another 'Gordon' tribute
AEM5k sound and gas
AEM5k is pretty legit.
Hey riflemen, is it recommended that you swap out stock triggers on Ar's? If so... for which one?
723 came in. Took her home today.
Took delivery today. My new 723.
Do 4XT PROs ever go on sale? Not on GAFS a lot…
Having an optic crisis
Guise I have a degree from SDI
YHM Phantom 22 Vs. AB littlebird Vs. Resilient Jessie's Girl?
Retro-ish collection:
Went with this upper from BKF for my clone-ish build and a PSA lower that’s going to have car stock. Finishes won’t match, but she’s getting painted anyways. May do a Gordy or Blood Diamond paint scheme
723 ish build. I have an H&R 723 coming to me Monday.
My all original retro
14.5 723 ish carbine is done for the time being. I’ll hit it with some paint when it warms up. Gordy color scheme is coming…
Has anyone tried a Dead Air E brake on the Diligent Defense Enticer S ? If so, how does it perform ?
Question to the pros on the retros. Which H&R retro carbine with the 14.7 pin and weld would be my best bet from PSA ? New to the retro craze
Does anyone know what FSB style comes on Thoughrobred’s Gordy upper?
How late am I on the Aimpoint hype ?
Filed this past Friday and got it today. Diligent Defense Enticer S.