[UPDATE] No longer in tears
Currently in tears
Please Revive the Original Chicken Crispers!
Those who’ve already seen bbno$, what’s the crowd like?
What do I name her
My first loaf!
Woobles loves dressing up for his adventures and staying at themed hotels!
B b n o Valentine
You're given a million of whatever you last googled. What is it?
Woobles and I LOVE to decorate early!
What Movie Did You Watch that Traumatized You at a Young Age?
Scared the Shih Tzu out of me
What's a phrase that has got you to make a bad desicion?
Happy New Year’s Eve everyone! What are you most grateful for in 2024? What are you looking forward to in 2025?
What soda did you guys drink for Christmas yesterday?
Why are you on reddit on Christmas day?
What is your favorite thing people say to dismiss ADHD?
Name these Dorito
I painted the screamer image from thisisnotawebsitedotcom.com
Pop Tarts Bowl Contest! Win a plush tart!
Won at an ugly sweater contest - but didn't know it was an ugly sweater contest
Coworker Christmas Baking!!
What is your current ADHD safe food or drink / food or dink Obsession
Dollar Tree finds
Your username becomes a religion. What happens now?