[QCrit] THE BRINE POOL, Adult Scifi/Fantasy (289k, First attempt)
[PubQ] I messed up. Do I try to fix it or just hope for the best?
[QCrit] THE PIRATES' GUIDE TO REAL LIFE, YA Graphic Novel, 200 Pages (4th attempt) (LAST BEFORE SUBMITTING)
[PubQ] Referral vs. Doubling-Up at an Agency
[PubQ] What are some things you wish you knew when you queried your first book?
[PubQ] Tips to make submission less brutal that don't include writing the next thing?
[PubQ] Agent: love the concept, great potential, execution is not quite there
[PubQ] Negotiating the Agency Agreement
[Series] Check-in: March 2025
[PubQ] What happens *after* acquisitions?
[PubQ] Agent's Role With Forthcoming Book
[discussion] how do you handle referral requests?
[Series] Check-in: February 2025
[PubQ] For a debut children's picturebook author, should I first try to have 3 manuscripts under my belt before querying?
[PubQ] Should I Request an NDA From My Editor?
[PubQ] Is it worth joining SCBWI if my debut PB is coming out this year?
[Series] Check-in: January 2025
[Discussion] We don’t talk about being on sub…right?
[PubQ] Picture Book Editing Advice & Tips
[PubQ] Did I Goof?
[PubQ] Is it true my agent can't sell my 2nd book of the 1st doesn't earn out?
[PubQ] Agent call scheduled for tomorrow
[QCrit] Ages 4 - 6 Picture Book - No! (350 Words/Revision #1)
[Series] Check-in: December 2024
[PubQ] Has anyone queried Andrea Brown literary agency?