Sunny Rave in Vegas?
McDonald's Security Oversteps
Two couples beat each other up while security guard remains unbothered and makes calls
When lockpickinglawyer gets impatient
Dude was warned, multiple times
What car was unusually reliable for you?
Audi drivers using their blinkers, and they are in perfect sync.
any of yall poly?
I’ve always wanted to see this.
Laborer Vs Bodybuilders
i quit my first week.
10 vs 2 😳
Singing lessons just because?
Big toys for big boys.
Nigerian paratroopers lose the plot
Which song?
What’s the answer
Canadian Man Shovels Driveway at 4 AM - Neighbor is Fuckin Pissed
My deepest apologies for whoever has to unload this NC trailer
Bad Day at work
AIO to the messages from my ex boyfriend that i dated for 6 years (NSFW WARNING IN BIO)
Spent nearly $700 on Amazon for a brand new PS5, got sent a used one full of hair
And the Darwin award for today goes to
Clift fall
Is Being Single Always A Bad Thing?