Points of interest between Oslo and Rjukan
ELI5: what changed before/after the mod protest that now we don't have people posting those imgur inspo albums anymore?
Anti-Monarchy protestors
Tarkov keeps randomly crahing
The cheaters are getting pretty blatant this wipe, this guy was flying around the map but apparently forgot to toggle his god mode.
Veterans I need an explanation
Good stuff
The real conspiracy
Lvl 11 and haven’t found Gas analyzer help
scavs are so scary now.
Escape From Tarkov | Weekly Discussion | 30 May, 2020 - 06 Jun, 2020
Ways to track secret society progress?
Basics of grooming?
Two scumbag Jedi "masters" refuse to force heal younglings.....bastards.
Machete-Wielding Woman Who Forced Ex-Boyfriend Into Sex Gets 20 Years In Psych Facility
Build help!
Help upgrading to current gen CPU
Certainly not just two different sized oranges
When you realise you can shitpost for thousands of Karma.
Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives.
Killing yourself to get out of a dream is a huge gamble.
Good Burger established "dude" as a gender neutral pronoun over 2 decades ago.
Tell me a happy memory you have for key