hey buddy, let’s take a DEEP breath and maybe go outside on a walk
Oh no Big Mike
He’s lost it, no doubt 😩
The Norwood Builder-Part Three
This comment has me absolutely dead
Someone needs to take away Mrs. Soap’s Facebook access
Mod announcement
She is so delusional. If she wasn’t an “influencer” and getting money from all her followers there’s no way she’d be able to be a stay at home mom because that means Gabe would have to work and we all know how lazy he is
Gouda told me she loves playing dress up!
The Darby Defenders are out in full force in her comment section
What are some acronyms or sayings your restaurant uses for funny/functional communication?
The Norwood Builder-Part Two
this is not content or a “secret”
This dog already owns more stuff than me
Poor People Mike. Poor people came up with this “life hack”
get a life Jesus Big Mike
Pond giant??
The Norwood Builder-Part 1
Even auto captions say code
The Wisteria Lodge-Part Three
The Wisteria Lodge Part 2
For players who regularly plant 15,000+ flowers per day. How????