Mystery white rubbery stuff thrown up by puppy...any guesses what it was?
My dog chipped his tooth. What options do I have?
Hmmmm… irony or no?
My 6MO Male Threw Up Blood
Bright red bump
Scrape on foot, is a vet visit warranted?
Is this blood in my dogs sick?
My dog won’t sleep in my bed anymore
A friends dog that I have been taking care of suddenly started vomiting
Please help me!! Rescue dog won’t stop biting when he’s playing
Drue’s supporters keep saying she’s the “best damn mommy”
HELP! dog wont open eyes
Sending back to her mother
What is the red thing coming out from my dogs whiskers?
Success story! Officially part of the family ❤️
HELP!! Dog house or heater for dog I’m rescuing?
HELP!!! How to get scared stray dog to the vet without traumatizing him??
If an 18 wheeler truck side swipes a Sudan car, is that a harder impact because it’s a heavier truck?
Baby Name Regret
Can someone help me with this?? I can’t figure out how to make the cream border around the brown circle.
If you find a skin tag on your dog, take them to the vet please.
What can I get for my vet's office of 12 years?
My 2 year old chihuahua doesnt want to go for a walk