This citrine farm is bruuuutal!
Love Warframe, but Mining is Breaking Me
Is it possible to incarnon aklex p?
Citrus: what to do with citrus peels instead of putting them in the worm farm?
After you subsume, what frame do *you* load into?
Where are arcanes now?
I cant take this anymore
Why is SP Hydron always empty?
Just starting, should I upgrade my frame?
Does weapon base damage increase matter a whole lot?
Does adding ammo drum increase incarnon total capacity?
Why does this happen?
What incarnon is best for a beginner
Boltor Prime or Telos Boltor?
Kind of losing it
5 years and 30+ attempts later and I finally did it.
The first incarnon I've earned from the Circuit after a 6 year hiatus and I'm starting to hunger for more. Are people chill with public matchmaking groups or is it preferred to have a premade group?
Just started today, who should i get???
Is the -damage a deal breaker?
How to get back to Hollovania mall?
Why haven’t we got a update where his 4th can proc Electricity yet???
Finally rolled the perfect riven
I am an idiot (I learned what armor strip is)
Is this normal behavior ?
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