Did a group Saw cosplay to a horror con to meet Tobin/Shawnee :)
Some shots from the Nashville show
Nashville Roll Call!!!
I feel like my boobs hide my true body shape. How to fix/What clothing makes you feel confident??
Original Sin by GWN & Boogie T is their best collab
favorite SAW quote?
first time seeing deadmau5 (from the barricade in Nashville) 🖤
Nashville show not sold out = odd?
Are we really spoiled in our demands for the queens these days?
Am I the only one who got diagnosed by accident?
Went to my first EDM concert last night! People are so nice and the vibes are immaculate
What DJ has the hardest merch in the game?
friends got some long Don plush,so it’s arcade foolery
Favorite dubstep shows yall been to?
Anyone interested in "coding for good" in their spare time?
Cursed kandi
Are there any dresses or tops like this that would work for us??
February Looks❤️🔥
Do you guys ever miss the cleavage from before discovering property fitting bras?
Design Appreciation
Is papa’s raceway really hard on the eyes for anyone else?
One of my favorite outfits for a rave 💜
Do you like this new skin?
Possible tour announcement incoming?
Bass that bounces?