How do you stay motivated when you’re trying to do B2B marketing, and it feels less exciting?
If aliens landed tomorrow, what’s the first thing you’d show them to explain humanity?
What’s a weird habit you have that you didn’t realize was weird until someone pointed it out?
Why must you hurt me this way
Who needs a career when you can have +2 defense bonus in stats?
I love both Fallout and Fallout: New Vegas.
Me trying to play Legacy of the Dragonborn without crashes caused by other mods
Reddit is not “gynocentric.” You’re just mad that you can’t have garbage takes about women without getting called out for it.
I broke up with my boyfriend and I can't get over it
Do I go with him….
AIO to the way my mother has reacted to me loosing my virginity
i need encouragement:(
Parents are against me living independently 26/F
How important is sex to you? Could you be in a relationship without sex?
If anyone still wants me here please let me know because I’m gonna go soon.
Who are sexualized female celebrities that are actually intelligent and good people?
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
Gigil ako sa girl friend kong hypersexual
Chocolate and strawberries aren't a good combination
Overripe/bruised bananas are peak
Drugstore haircare is great and professional products are a waste of money
Single Ladies is one of the worst songs of all time
Being ghosted early on is actually the best thing that could happen to you.
Social security shouldn’t have an income cap.