I don’t know what possessed me to do this
What movie has the strangest ratings curve?
Do y’all have months you barely touch movies and then suddenly watch a bunch?
What's the last movie that legitimately terrified you?
This week just has not been hitting. Help me out with films by and about women. I usually love them and I'm just not feeling it.
"Show, don't tell" but what kind of scene that actually works better with tell?
Keoma (1976)
Thank you, Mr. Scorsese, for breaking my bad run. New personal favorite of his
Anyone else see Spun?
Should I remove these stickers?
What’s a film that’s a decent execution of a decent idea?
Most Powerful Nicolas Cage Performance Moment?
Buying movies from a thrift store sure yields interesting results
Do you keep your DVDs and Blus separate of together?
I’m looking for a movie to watch tonight with an amazing score. Any suggestions?
Suggestions for rappers with a similar vibe?
Typical r/Custodians Post
What movie made your favorite actor look like a fucking idiot?
I've been wanting these movies forever and finally got them.
What should my next first watch be on my high priority watchlist?
What’s the most insane movie you’ve ever seen?
Gripping documentaries Suggestions
What should I watch tonight?
Aimy in a Cage (2015)
Now i watch it daily 😂