Large plant rotating or must be in full sun?
AITA for breastfeeding my son around my father-in-law despite him getting upset
AITA for telling my boss that if she wants this little girl to be suspended, she can tell the parents herself
How Severance supposed to help Mark with his grieving? It's just as if his day became 8 hours shorter!!
Deleting save data but it says there is none
When did you start hating Walter White?
My second born baby is just unpleasant to be around
What is a Taylor song or lyric that isn't meant to be sad, but makes you tear up?
What are tell-tale signs that someone has cptsd?
Parents Avoiding Medical Care
Which song is YOURS and no one else's
What’s the worst thing/symptom you deal with as a result of C-PTSD?
Last show in Vancouver - Stand outside BC Place Stadium
Do you ever feel like it’s overkill to call what you went through “trauma”?
how do you cope with depression? (c-ptsd/ptsd related depression) what keeps you going?
How a flashback feels for me
SmokeyGlow just uploaded explaining her absence!
Does anyone else have insane memory lost.
how do people pay for this?!
Does anyone else feel that their original traumas are not extreme enough to reflect a C-PTSD diagnosis?
Releasing Shame
Releasing fear
What does an emotional flashback feel like?
Don't listen to gatekeepers.