Greek EODH Leopard 1HEL Upgrade
Jól áll neki a rabruha, mi lenne, ha ‘26-ban újra felöltöztetnénk (?)
A nation of cowards have no country. (Which is why we are cooked now thoroughly)
ICC moves to dismiss Duterte case after defendant hires star lawyer
Dr. House
Poor Romans.
Things didn't go well for the Romans after that.
Things didn't go well.
Orban's rival, currently beating him in the polls, says (to Orban, in russian) "it's over comrade" - source: JayInKyiv
The real, unbiased early history of the Brits
Members of the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division secure the perimeter of a helicopter staging area during Exercise Granadero I in Honduras, May 1984 [1024x666]
Which IR theory is this?
When Volkswagen says they are going back to the roots
The much feared army of Finland. Anything that gets close will get fucked
Greek polytheists inaugurate first new Ancient Greek temple in 1700 years
Twitter reports massive cyber attack
A Trump mögött mindenben összezáró republikánusok közül többen nemcsak a karrierjüket féltik, hanem híveitől is rettegnek
Meet the biggest threat Hungary’s Viktor Orban has faced in 15 years
A Man From The Good Old Days
After the fall of the Soviet Union, a city in Ukraine was getting rid of all their communist statues. A local artist converted the last remaining one into Darth Vader.
Give a name for this Byzantine Emperor
Pictures from Péter Magyar's tour in rural Hungary. Magyar is the strongest challenger of Orbán.
Aw man, wtf did i do?