Who did it better?
Local bar having iasip themed paddys night
What moment of the show made you think that the characters had gone too far?
What episode is this from?
ChatGPT’s attempt of the planets of the Solar System.
That difficulty spike is quite something, eh?
Exploring a Mysterious Snow Covered House in the Middle of Nowhere
I’m sad with the world today , I hate the way this world is heading and just want to throw out how much I love everyone around the world.
Hit the pound key 🤦🤦
Dont let him cook
Has this ever happened to any of ya'll?
New 4chan leaker (serious)
Found in southeast Missouri, about 1000ft underground.
On mushrooms in a chicken suit…
Man Knocks Down Basement Wall, Finds 2,000-Year-Old Underground City
Maintenance has come out to fix it 3 times in 3 weeks, tired of it and want to fix it myself. How?
A couple friends of mine encountered this one night at the turnpike of a road. Any ideas what it could be?
An AI's worst nightmare
Elevator Shootout
Holy shit! I actually got a preserved pie on my second attempt out of the machine in the Mass. State House!
Saw this on X lol
Wow this is freaky. Like that movie Paranormal Activity.
I solved the Mario(More) Problem completely on my own today!
Explosion happened in Pennsylvania. Residents told to shelter in place.
Let's see those majestic pics