Unlimited self control
Aufbackbrötchen 01.01.25
How can I know if my hotwheels car is fake?
DOT 3601
Zeigt her eure dreckigen Karren!
Unsupervised at the store today.
I have this hot wheels that I had since childhood, is it worth anything?
A more or less fresh restock is always welcome
Blastoise promo
What to do with bad castings?
Found a neat error while out and about today. Picked up a Gulf too.
How many cars do you have?
In den Entwicklungsfotos des Fiat Barchetta steht ein MX5 NA im Hintergrund - Vermutlich als Vergleich angeschafft
Mildly Interesting: These development-photos of the Fiat Barchetta show an NA parked in the background - probably used as a benchmark
How long does one filament last YOU on average, and how much/what do you print. (Trying to visualize something for the cost/use ratio)
Erstes Projektauto
An die Nicht-Bühnen/Gruben Schrauber
Ford Ecosport?
Working on showcasing my growing HW collection.
Found my 3rd regular TH today :)
What was the worst $uper this year
[PROG] Trunk Gas-Lift Upgrade
Found a the Flea Market :)
Welche Automodelle nerven euch im Alltag am meisten?
Interessante Statistik, zum Thema Ausbildung, die die Tagesschau veröffentlicht hat.