my favorite ethan read
I left my game for two minutes
I am not donating money to pay for these rich influencers’ flights, hotels, and parties so Anisa and Ian can make “connections”
YT Creator James Turner Stands with Ethan Klein on Philly D video and Discord: His Own Community Turns on Him
I'm unsubscribing and you should too.
Im genuinely worried
This is still the cutest thing I’ve seen of Alfredo.
Ethan with the perfect goodbye to Ian (heartwarming)
Can we take a moment to admire Alfredo’s sassy little foot from today’s episode?
Queue the tiniest violin for his Oscar winning performance for playing the victim
LPT: Cook your bacon in the oven, for chrissakes
Is anyone else’s Golden bad at catching things in their mouth?
My townie/NPC makeovers
Hate symbol tattoos in gallery
TIFU by giving my kid Starbucks lemonade
just here to say ethan’s tics have never once bothered me
HasanAbi has been banned
My dads obsession with doing a photoshoot every time my retriever leaves the house
Do you ever go through periods where you don’t feel interested in polishes anymore?
DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD: Unmasking The Harassment Campaign Against Us - H3 Show #113
this is an obvious response to ethan and hila right?
Hasan is lolcow and he is not happy about it
Is this real screen damage or fake?
With ☮️ and ❤️, James, would you mind adding the Mixologist career to the Super Sim Tracker?
What is a Brittany quote that’s stuck in your head or that you repeat often?