The reality beneath their mask
Allistic French
Teenage girls screaming uncontrollably in an Elvis concert (1957 AD)
Why is it when you try to be nice and helpful to bullies they still insist on disliking you?
Favorite cartoon redhead?
'Chrisconceptions' (CWC Misconceptions) that need to die?
The Luckiest/Best Disney sidekick poll: personality
We have genetic testing for a reason…
What do you think 'really' happened when Chris got arrested in the Fashion Square Mall? (Classic Chris Era)
im losing my mind
Which job to potentially avoid bullies?
Oh my...
“Fuck you in particular”
I'm literally going to die
How many here have been emotionally abused?
How is Chris able to move on so fast from perceived death?
Are Bullies Sociopaths?
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you see him?
Meme says it all. Crazy how this looks like 1950's America.
Elon Musk announces birth of ‘14th’ child – a son named Seldon Lycurgus
What intellectual property that was very loved by the fans, but lived way too long to the point where bad/low quality reboots/sequels happen without quality check?
How do I leave when I love him so much but I’m suffering. How did you guys do it?
Say something you do in all your gameplays