What do you think the kids in Bluey grow up to be?
Bluey ABCs day 14
The last thing in your camera roll is what Muffin is flipping out over
Does anyone else start to doubt if they love someone?
Tattooed myself, my favorite Garfield panel!
Did something on my bestie today! What do u think?
Did my first Pokemon tattoo
I’m afraid to be attracted to the same sex?
How has exercising impacted your mental health?
Advice for starting apprenticeship
Red bumps around my shoulder tattoos?
How can I *really* relax?
Anyone else get chest pains during their period?
What does everyone do for work?
Can you have endo & still conceive?
Stopping mirtazapine advice?
Success stories with stopping Mirtazapine / Remeron ?
Roommate does not clean, is loud, and never cooks
is it socially acceptable not to wear a bra?
My partner and I want totally different lives, but we love each other. What do we do?