Behind Enemy Lines is a terrible penance, and the Loner aura is useless.
Warframe Appreciation Post + Huge Giveaway (Over 2000+ plat of value)
Shout out to the group that covered me the entire map and let me pop off
I just spent all my money on synthesis scanners on accident😭😭😭
What is your current go-to Loadout? (Warframe, Primary, Secondary, Melee, Sentinel)
Thank you DE for allowing Railjack names to be this long
Time management using transverse jump
What's your silliest helminith name
Random question I thought of, what did you guys name your Railjack and why?
Well. That's new. I wonder what that's for.
Your month your warframe
Warframe Giveaway Celebrating us reaching 700k members!
Well, just pulled the trigger and joined the DEMOCRACY spreading activities bois! Any tips for a new Recruit?
Hydron defense got a lot harder when the game DELETES MY WARFRAME. I couldn't swap back from operator and had no focus buffs or abilities. The only thing I extracted with was the focus from my amp and defense rewards.
Beginners luck is real
I may have fallen through the floor loading into the Necralisk
What was the last thing about Stellaris which made you say - "ARE YOU F🤬ING KIDDING ME?!"
A story with a deep message
You’ve helped me win many Dawn of War matches o7
Melee Acrid Gang
#saynotohellevator (seriously pylons are better)
This set is really cute! (Floret Protector set)
My regular DM needed a week off so I had to come up with a one shot really quick. Meet the BBEG of the evening, Trogdor the burninator! Made in 3 hours se yes feel free to tear me apart for poor workmanship.
Poor guy