I decided to do this warning again - PC Players beware of Permadeath when DLC is here.
Took a taxi in Cardiff. Driver ranting about how the UK is ruined and he's getting out to Cyprus or Spain as soon as he can afford it. He came over from Pakistan in the 80's.
I don’t think I’ve ever experienced a game like this …
After the bombing of Hiroshima the trams were running 3 days later. My council has been fixing a culvert since January and won't be finished until March.
Does anybody else hesitate before they start the Reacher mission? I have to stop & mentally prepare myself before I enter the cave.
'Green' ferry emits more CO2 than old diesel ship
Official Poster for ‘Love Me’ Starring Kristen Stewart & Steven Yeun - A postapocalyptic romance in which a buoy and a satellite meet online and fall in love after the end of human civilization
I AM GREASE FACE!!! WHO ARE YOU?! (you can use your usernames letters)
Someone didn't watch their flocks by night. Woke up to these in my driveway Xmas morning.
UPDATE on the sims Fromville
Troubleshooting Thread — Bugs? Mod issues? App issues? Post about them here! [PC: 1.108.329.1020 / Mac: 1.108.329.1220 / Console: 1.95]
‘Megalopolis’ Trailer’s Fake Critic Quotes Were AI-Generated, Lionsgate Drops Marketing Consultant Responsible For Snafu
Lionsgate Pulls ‘Megalopolis’ Trailer Offline Due to Made-Up Critic Quotes and Issues Apology
The Atlantic is cooling at record speed and nobody knows why
TIL Paul McCartney dreamed the melody for "Yesterday" one night and composed the music the next morning. He spent a month afterward checking to make sure he hadn't subconsciously copied it from someone else.
'Very hot' 30C days treble in UK, Met Office finds | Climate News
TIL that sea drops by about 328 ft (100m) near Sri Lanka because gravity is anomalously weaker there
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Spot the game references.
Beyond Thunderdome
The Scariest Part About Artificial Intelligence
Which Quint novel is better?
Robert Lautner's Quint novel for 50th anniversary published today.
Robert Lautner's "Quint" on The Daily Jaws.