Introducing myself
Ruger Security 9 or Glock 19? Actual owners please
Juan…we still don’t like you. Get over it.
Couldn't resist the price
My S/O just made this after finishing season 2
This talk of “bust” is very irritating.
Is this worth contacting Ruger about this?
Juan and narcissism…. (Some speculative thoughts)
Who is the best live weather person to follow on YouTube for our ares?
Where can I buy a silencer for my ruger located in Austin texas
Are there any tornado shelters not on the official lists?
Does anyone learn to shoot with iron sights?
Juan on IG says Karla is bullying & harassing him, making fake accounts & sending her family after him. Thoughts?
One In The Chamber? Does it make sense? Or no?
Overnight Parking
Went to the Range for the First Time
I know Biometric safes get a lot of hate, but this is pretty convenient
What do you consider 'The Best Closing Track' in history of Emo?
Please cool it with the Aaron posts
Please be aware and careful Friday and Saturday.
I live in Tuscaloosa, should I leave before the storms?
What do you use for a 308 Bolt Action?
Who here, really thinks that Michelle wanted to be David’s wife?
Lower bucks pistol/gun range