What are your ‘five words of wisdom’ for any pedal newbies?
What metal band/artist can you simply not stop telling people about?
My sludge/doom band is trying to find a song to do a doom cover of. Throw us some recommendations!
Hot Rod Deluxe/Fender Amp Appreciation post
OD’s ThatClean Up Like a Fuzz Face
Favorite lesser known reverb pedals
Best drums on the doom?
Cheat codes people don't know
What are some of yalls favorite delay pedals?
It’s NGD but also a good time to show off these beautiful amps.
I like Big Muffs and I cannot lie
First pedalboard
just discovered my first doom metal band give me random info
Does anyone else wish they like the big muff more?
Metal as disturbing or emotionally heavy as SWANS?
Doom Chugs - The Collaborative Spotify Playlist
I’m officially an Orange fanatic. Got the TH30 yesterday. The Orange tone just sits in the mix exactly where I wanna be. All hail Orange mids!!!!…especially with P90’s.
I fuckin love doom chugs. My favorite doom chug song is The Screen by YOB. Feed me your favorite doom chugs. Doom chugs. Doom chugs.
Clean pedal platform to handle both downtuned heavy & sparkling clean tones? What would be your approach?
Hard to choose between these two, so why not run both?
Pedal Platform Amp Help
My amp is a little too dark for my liking. Suggestions on how I can fix that?
My Orange Rockerverb 100 MKiii Custom DIY Faceplate Conversion
Tube Screamer Alternative?
Bands like YOB?