Kids of the 80s and 90s: Which video game started your video game career?
Thoughts on Samurai Jack
Which do you prefer for homebrew psp or the vita
The three games you played over and over as a kid that no one remembers
Absolute banger has arrived
Damn the Xbox 360 really was peak gaming😭
New buttons who dis?!
Any new alternatives to MMX/Kenpo X/Kenpo Cardio +?
Who else misses Medabots
Who remembers Mortal Kombat Defenders Of The Realm
Worth it for 20 bucks??
The Steam Deck is an inferior experience
Hearing voices but no background music from speakers
Psp custom 30th anniversary
But why….?
TOTK 30fps stable in Citron
What’s a video game song that immediately makes you emotional when you hear it?
Rpcs3 android alpha 0.3 has been release.
What game do you think best captures the feeling of the 1990’s?
Anyone ever done all 12 workouts consecutively?
As a bisexual person, how can I stop being homosexual?
Anyone had luck Winlator X Men Origins Wolverine Uncaged via Winlator?
Tom Ford Santal Blush