The last Umayyads converted to Catholicism
They Swapped The Greek Macedonian flag for that of the North Macedonia flag
Farya made it to the front page of the ck3 workshop
In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002), Albus Dumbledore has a pet phoenix named Fawkes. The American equivalent would be Steve from the Minecraft movie owning a pet Creeper named Bin Laden.
Stardew valley? nah we got:
Dont ask why the background is red idk
The pigs show their true colors
Credits to @1stPr0t0type on Twitter
I don't think people realize how many mods the Asia expansion will frick up
It’s (D)ifferent
Dawn of War 4 plot leaked
Looks like east germay. Prussia expansion confirmed
CK3 really needs to step up their military unit models
Gregory IX made a Papal bull saying to treat Jews like they were Christians and then he made a Papal bull saying to burn all copies of the Talmud
You were the chosen one
The Death of Constans II
Coat of arms of US Presidents
Thanks to u/Numar19 for finding this out, there are living descendants of Jimmy Carter with their own legend
TIl there is a religion called "Mama Tata" which was founded by someone who saw a vision of Jesus riding a motorcycle
Off all the Christian Faiths in the Mod, Celesteism is the one I enjoy the most. Especially the Holy Monk mechanic. What is your favourite in game Faith & why?
4th crusade moment