what is this? (Cu+HCl)
what is this?
is it ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3)?
he is watching me like it's my fault
My Lasius Niger colony always eats a bit of the honey water and then starts to pile their trash into it. Why?
I have a problem, this colony (camponotus lateralis, Italy) is in its third summer yet they are only 8 workers, a queen and not much brood, I am at my first experience and I need advice
Messor barbarus collecting seeds timelaps
Excuse me? Am I missing out on something?
Thanks for coming to my ted talk
Can anyone help me ID this lady?
Who are these guys infesting my cockroach enclosure?
mamma mia
Secondo voi è innocente?
choose wisely
Rate? 1-10
Found these curious eggs, any idea who they belong to?
Dancing mantis
Help gendering these (2) mantids! Please state the number with their gender (example: 1; Male, 2; Female)
Can anyone identify this odd piece of glassware I saw in an antique store?
I'm going to wash my eyes with bleach
Che schifo
the most powerfull
the fear in his eyes...
I kinda like em