Please don’t impale me on steering wheel.
Live Free or Twihard
Best Accessories for R1S?
I killed my Rivian & my home.
ScanNCut mat & sheet comparison chart
Thinking of going to a Con...
Which is the BEST (not your fav) season of Supernatural and why?
Just added these orange hook covers. Yay or nay?
What social media platform would Dean use the most if he had the time for it?
Help! I can’t sell my Tesla!
If You Have An IPhone With The Action Button You Definitely Should Set It Up With Shortcuts!
Buying/leasing R1S dual Std in March
[MEGATHREAD] Saturday Switchers
Cass Disrespect
Spn Con In August
On my 3rd watch through and it’s so much different without the original music
NACS adapter 2025 Gen2
Straw Poll -- Wheels
Joined the Bernina Family. Bernina 830 Record
Ordered a DIME Snap Hoop Monster
Suggestions for the community?
Anti-possession tattoo
My first FPP
Supernatural convention
Delivery experience not reassuring