Theres a decent chance that our species is going to die off so lets create a time capsule, just in case. What do you want to put in for the next sapient species to discover.
Awantura o składkę zdrowotną. 4,6 mld zł mniej dla NFZ. "Wy się wyleczycie, pacjenci nie"
My economics professor wants to have a discussion on woke
Perturabo the Petulant
[Hated Trope] They’re not the good guy. They’ve never been the good guy. The creator(s) specifically *tell* you they’re not the good guy. Yet there’s a large number of fans who seem to believe that they’re the good guy.
We Serve Food Here, Sir
Lunacid - Tears of the Moon on Steam
What's one 40k book you hated?
[Opinion] The problem with Space Marine as rulers
Breaking: Germany changes constitution to allow rearmament spending "without limits". Merz: "whatever it takes"
The moment I understood the collapse
Trump orders swathes of US forests to be cut down for timber
Zelenskyy saying that if Trump withdraws from NATO, Putin will destroy Europe. Ukraine has the biggest army in Europe, the 2nd is France with an army four times smaller than Ukriane. Do the math.
Making this model so large is starting to feel like a mistake (Perturabo WiP pt2)
New Kill Team box Teased!
Imagine the conversation between a Green army man and an Imperial Guardsman.
Plot Convenience: Why Capitano’s Writing Fell Flat
Zelensky, Trump and Vance having a very heated argument inside the White House over the Ukraine-Russia war.
Three years ago I posted my Disco-like here. Thanks to you, I now have a team, a publisher, and an actual game.
Adrian Zandberg i plan 15 letni, Trzaskowski i nowy COP, Mentzen w Lwowie, Kampania wyborcza ala 2 Rzeczpospolita
I guess you could say he "excels" at it
The bad non-chaos politics of Horus, the trairor Primarchs and the Heresy
Existentially Depressed Khornite Traitor Guard OC
Until next time, degenerates
Canon or not, some of those images just stick in the mind's eye...