anyone else cursed by palkia
It is a confusing take no question
You cannot deny this attack
If you play mii gunner, fuck you.
Amazan Incineroar Updated Design
I’m TIRED of the constant Christian hate.
Can someone explain
Some Fakémon for my Pacific Northwest Region.
Read the photo
ass ass ass, it’s all ass!
Concept - The Shoebill Stork Pokemon
How would your OC react to being called a monster?
Choose a meal
Who to get into elite smash next? Part 2!
Finally got a GodPack!!!
Whos the fastest tailwind setter who doesnt have prankster and can learn taunt
I really love Eevee
/r/PTCGP Trading Post
oh no
Good God Pack??
i'm bi, can i still be christian?
A brawler concept: Woody. Thought?
Fav weapon?
I want to make a team based around volcarona, what do i need?