Roast me if you want but What could I have possibly done here
Which game made you feel this way?
Is this a hard counter or am I just ass
Best level for diamonds
Best TV for PS5
So uhh...tried a Johto-only Team?
deck improvement (7.2k trophies)
Is this dudes deck just awfull?
Opponent keeps lightning the inferno... How am i suppose to beat him?
yall be in this reddit community posting ur decks without a win con and asking if its good, as if u didnt just post the most mid ladder deck in the world.
Reddit is not for beginners. I didn’t even know there was a sub for mechanical keyboards.
Is this viable?
How can bro be at 8k trophies with this deck 💔💔💔
Exploring a massive cave in TMCW
Guys which card should i level 15 now?
As a logbait player, how do you counter decks which has log aswell as arrows?
No Dark Prince in the New Loading Screen... Why ? I'm gutted, GUTTED !! 😡
5 years wasted in srm
Falsely accused of malpractice during my CT today, what can I do?
How do I improve?
Fuck the ncert english textbooks
Is this official?
$10 Steam gift card!