Twisted foxy redesign
I thought bonnie bro(Cassie's dad) had black hair and Freddy bro(Oswald's dad) have blonde hair. But in in reality they just different shades of brown hair
What if instead of genysis. They adapted the salvation comics into a movie to give us a happy ending
Fnaf but dinosaurs
Is Henry Fred
Did any dinosaur had a jaw structure similar to a parrot to fruits and millet like plants
Fellow AndrewTOYSNHKers, do you like it?
(Au) Elizabeth and Charlie talking about their dads.
What if Carl was t-1000. How could dark fate be changed
What do you think of terminator dark fate. What would you change
What if the rev 9 won in dark fate. Would it gain self awareness as carl
Did skynet for got to put Carl in read only when sending him back
I had a dream
The first Saw’s biggest plothole
How Would You Feel If One Of These Actors Played William Afton Instead of Matthew Lillard.
Random question i guess, Which human character in fnaf do you symphatize for, or in your words deserved better
Is this goober male or female 🤨
The GoldenTrio!
What if Hoffman was the main villain of jigsaw, and the one who taught William Emerson(through flashbacks). How could the movie s change
Saw 1 characters that are broken or pure evil
This means nothing now since the Mimic is Glitchtrap right?
When did you start rooting for him?
Is william afton dead or alive at this point?
The classic were designed by William and Henry. And the unwithereds were soly design by Henry after he fired William