What gets your LO moving? 🫐
“This baby is built by ____”
THC and pregnancy
All abnormal embryos
SK asked if we hate BM... I fucked up
Spotting / Implantation
AIO with how my wife handled me being assaulted by her brother?
When did you have your baby shower in relation to when you were due?
I’m due in April. Is it too soon to install a car seat?
Drinking before I found out
Do you plan on getting pregnant again after your current pregnancy?
AITA for having an issue with my(23F) boyfriend(26M) taking a sick day from work?
Cost breakout
What would happen if I paid employees well above average and took 10-15% margin instead of 20-30%?
I found this strange recipe in my new car
What can I do for baby in utero to maximize their health and future abilities?
Curious how American mammas to be are doing with current state?
What’s your silliest/dumbest “pregnancy brain” moment? I’ll go first..
CVS brand ovulation test (help) is this a positive
First time posting def not my first rodeo tho
Are you guys getting your step kids Valentine’s Day gifts
What do you hate the smell of since you’ve been pregnant?