Joseph Smith had sexual relations with Lucy Walker when she was 17 and he was 37.
The LDS church will kick you out if you try to show love to LDS members who feel hurt
Latter Day Struggles hosts resign membership
Does God Hate Women, or Did Joseph Smith Get It Wrong? Examining The Coercion and Inequality of Polygamy in D&C 132
Is Polygamy Really a Choice in the Celestial Kingdom?
LDS Thirst Traps?
Conor McGregor at byu game
The Heavenly Mother's role in creation
Occasionally I have sex dreams and they always leave me feeling dissapointed
Question: How to Build a Transoceanic Vessel by the Mormon Expression show - has there been a more devastating presentation to the truth claims of the church than this episode?
Difference in temple language for men vs women
Debate is over
If we have a Heavenly mother, why does church never really talk about her?
The 50+ wives of the Mormon prophet Brigham Young
help regain my hope as a woman
Porn Use In Marriage
Honestly, Robyn was a mistress.
“Unto the most high God” vs “in the new and everlasting covenant” ?
Model Lucky Blue Smith reposts a Tiktok celebrating the Trump campaign winning their lawsuit in Bucks County. He also follows Charlie Kirk who headlined 4 Trump campaign events and is the founder of conservative youth organization Turning Point
Anyone interested in helping me mod r/A24Heretic ?? Interested to see Mormon takes on the film over there.
What happened to Emma
This woman describes how traumatic and evil feelings she felt going through the LDS temple endowment ritual for the first time.
The “Mistress”