Do cats get depressed? Do they get mad at people?
DAE hate being a guy most of the time?
11 year old arrested for fake kidnapping prank she got from a YouTube video
Why is the existence of Israel so horrifying/unacceptable to Muslims and Muslim nations around the world to the point that even nations outside the Middle East like Malaysia don’t recognize it?
A U.S. pilot ejected from a fighter jet after a slow-moving crash.
[Request] My cat is dying, too exhausted to cook
Told this guy I was seeing I couldn’t do it anymore
What’s the best way to get these wrinkles out? Low quality Old Navy button up dress shirts.
I can buy one game for my birthday
Bitten by African fat tail gecko, has anyone else had this reaction?
Elder millennials, what were the 4 VHS tapes you owned and watched on repeat?
Cat peeing blood and blood clots
I'm in school refusal hell
Am I in the wrong for moving out.
What games from that picture are a must play for you?
Fanatical Dump
Rental Store Simulator - 10x Steam Key Giveaway!
I didn't even know this was possible 😂
Giveaway! 3 x $50 Steam gift cards
There's something wrong with my body and I don't know what it is.
Can anybody make sense of this?
Giving away 1 Steam game of your choice! (up to 100$ max)
Drop a picture of your pet for me to doodle ✨
What do my fridge and freezer tell you about me?