Want to know if astrology is for real
Wearing Emerald gave me bad results
Creepy women at the gym
What are the effects of Saturn Mahadasha, Sade Sati, Small Panoti, Rahu Mahadasha, Ketu Mahadasha, Rahu Antardasha, Ketu Antardasha, Shani Antardasha
Does studying Vedic astrology activate 8th house ?
rahu in the 7th house is bad?
Mercury/Vedang Jyotish / Grammer
Which signs according to you have great compatibility? That you ship them as couple.
Worried about my ability to have biological children
23 M, Confused About Career. Please guide
What does my chart tells about my carrer, wealth creation, marriage? I am already 25 year old . I am trying to build my new home, can you let me know please
Can anybody predict about my job and marriage
27 Male. Had a very lonely and troubled childhood faced social anxiety and drepression since teenage years can anybody please give some insights on my chart
Venus is in Libra in d1 chart but it is in Gemini in d9 which means I won't get results of malavya yoga?
How to fake my death?
Looking for anime to cheer me up
Rahu in 5 house always bad?
Where do you look to find your strengths?
Astrology Startup
How is Astro Nitin Kashyap for online astrology classes ?
What games are you playing this weekend, If at all??
Extremely confused. What should I do in life ? Job or business ? And if business, then in which area ?
I’m a beginner can anyone suggest me a Anime series like death note?