Are there any fuzz pedals with a low noise floor you would recommend?
Distortion pedal with lowest floor noise?
What’s your favorite Dual Drive Pedals?
Anyone else having issues with the OCD v2?
The Tone In Your Head - Bondi Effects Sick As
[NPD] Wren & Cuff Mystery Box (Black-Violet Caprid)
EAE Halberd, does anyone have anything negative to say?
NPD: Caroline CROM
What is the best non vintage big muff in your opinion?
Least noisy Big Muff?
What’s your fav boutique distortion pedal?
Thoughts on Bondi pedals?
Two amazing drive pedals. Hard to decide which is my favorite.
Bondi Sick As vs Del Mar
Gibson are unironically evil, and the fact that people still support them and shower them with money is the biggest jerk of all.
NPD Bondi Del Mar Reissue
Hows Guitar Center Still In Business?
Gibson QC in 2024?
NPD: Xotic BB preamp overdrive. Sounds amazing, surprised this isn’t on more boards
Favorite Overdrive
A new king atop a pile of dead rivals: Electronic Audio Experiments Limelight v2. [NPD]
What is your favorite small tube amp?
NPD: Mythos Oracle and The Fates
What the hell happened to John Cusack's career?
J Mascis vs 40th Anniversary Jazzmaster