Namassgay may your eagle soar high 🦅
The Game has been using our data exactly how we expected it was.
Did anyone get a clip of the blokes behind Sandra Brewer giggling at her word vomit?
Pokemon Bank
Who's the worst company you have ever worked for in Perth?
Burner and jk
WT Knotfest Setlist
failed credit card chargeback
Help - Doctor withholding prescription for medical cannabis unless purchased from their own dispensary
Looking for new, active friends :)
Currently in Japan and no one is opening my gifts 844443471960
we need more themes where the good guys are hunting endangered animals to extinction
I would imagine 95% of this sub should get zero. I did.
Friend Code Megathread - January 2025
Any contenders for this in Perth?
I am 100% convinced playing Xcom has made me better at IRL task management and decision making.
It's like watching a slow mo car crash at this point
The proposal…
beast games feels so dystopian
Looking at changing clinics
Whats your favorite song
Ewwww!!! Is she having her Princess Diana moment ??
Where do you see Giger’s style most in Metroid?
Who else color codes the different classes?
So look what accidentally got into my Lego set ..