I also did this one time, 🤣🤣🤣
WIBTA if I ask my parents to take me to therapy again?
AITAH for going low contact after my little sister ruined my father/daughter dance.
AITAH for being aware of my friends harmful tendencies and not telling anybody?
AITAH for saying FU to my son?
AITAH for finally telling my sister to basically shut up after her being so loud all the time?
AITAH for not wanting to “split” a family birthday dinner?
AITAH for getting grossed out when my girlfriend made a weird joke
AITA for half-jokingly, half-making fun of my partner who's on the democratic side of things?
AITAH for telling my Mum that my sister's boyfriend is no longer welcome?
AITAH For not letting family post picture of my baby?
Am I overreacting? I feel like I’m the only one taking care of my mom?
WIBTA if I bought an airhorn as a deterrent against roommate's extra early alarms that he sleeps through?
AITA for not wanting to date as a single mom even though it upsets one of my friends who wants me to try dating her brother?
AITAH for kicking out my sister in law after she refused to get a job or help clean up.