Friendly reminder, if your subscription renews after the 21st you can already cancel Apple TV+
Which of the two brothers is your favorite? Zekrom or Reshiram?
Some people are really competing hard for the Darwin awards!
Relax..Here’s my Cold Harbor Theory
My issue with Evolution
I'm sick of this subreddit.
The current state of Pokemon
A strange argument (in favor of) the need to work
Ye speaks on his kids again
The show has not jumped the shark, but the online fandom definitely has…
What do you think is the 2020s version of this?
Remember the scene from season 1…
I voted for Donald Trump because I'm _______.
Some of These Writing Decisions are Becoming Impossible to Ignore
Anyone else… falling off?
How much better can life get?
Reminder why j*ssica isn't welcome here
Episode 9 memes
Please don’t let Devon be bad…
So sad
Don’t ask me why I thought this was going to happen
Helly R or Helly E?
Nevertake coming 3/21