Someone’s feeling mighty fine today
Really interesting pose to lay..
What a surprise a big package called Zeus just arrived
I don't think they're working. Thanks, Costco.
This is his battle face 🪶 😂
Current Mood
Nail trim led to bath
.001 OrangeBraincell
GF and I got our baby (grey DMH) an older sister. We think she’s a Siamese snowshoe, what do y’all think?
Wesker Doing a Big Yawn.
My fluffy Maine Coon
[OC] two pieces of my soul
Looking for litter that you don't have to hard scrape from the bottom of the box - CKD 3/4 Cat
What is my cat doing?
Update on Theodora, the cat I adopted with litter box issues
Im a new father.
Is this considered animal cruelty? 😹
my little black with light eyes 🖤
Nap Time
Soaking up the Sun without a care in her world