Hold or take profit
Pray I find a job please. My current job is nothing but stress constant stress.
What would you do with an extra 2k a month?
What are your goals for trading?
God says revenge is his. Would praying for his wrath on those who have wronged me be ok?
Good to start applying?
Carrying setup lately
Taking part of CPA exam in a few weeks but graduated college in 2012 and never used my degree. Is it possible to get job in accounting?
Hotel saying I didn’t check out just billed my debit card for $$440. Haven’t been there in over a week.
Update in profit now
Hold or close
Crazy accident
Eminem having a meltdown on stage, crying over Trump.
These money laundering scam artists owe The American People at least $350 Billion Dollars.
Someone pushed my bike over
P30 SRT Installed, Now Disconnector is Stiffer
Yeah he did lol.
is mileage more imporant on bikes than it is on cars?
Describe God with one word
What the hell is wrong with this subreddit???? Just when we thought liberals couldn't get crazier. By the way, your "hero" took 350 billions dollars from you and "doesn't know" where half of it is.
Drop a 🇺🇸 if you stand with President Trump?
Is there a way to genuinely disprove Islam?
Iranian Soldier with the Iranian copy of AK-103 dubbed as AK-133