If emotions had a smell, what would anxiety smell like?
Main Characters who aren't just great people but also great older siblings as well.
Boyfriend dumped me and is moving out. What do I do with this room?
How close is your supermarket?
Never found a name which suits her, a name with b or g. GIRLY NAME!
Just brought the little guy home from the shelter, he’s extremely talkative (screams) and very cuddly! Bf wants to name him banshee but I don’t think it fits. Any ideas?
guys i think im screwed
My cat gave birth to her kittens in my bed while I was asleep
got a new rug :D
Have you ever bought one plant and ended up with millions?
Hobbies that fuck up your fingertips starterpack
Name my new boy preferably with a C name
Is there such a thing as non-attending Christians in the United States? People who are nominally Christian, baptized and don't claim to be atheists, but never go to Mass except maybe for Christmas and Easter?
Elder Gen Z starter pack
Do most women hover over a public toilet seat?
Is he a calico?
Who names their child blue
Had him for a few days, he’s slow and doesn’t do all too much. Help me name him! Say the last candy you’ve eaten
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
DAE need to dangle at least one foot off the edge of the bed to fall asleep comfortably?
What is something that you can smell and no one else seems to smell?
There truly isn’t a single field that supports their bigotry
Characters who can't cook
What is this growing in the corner of the garden