UJard's Matchup Spreadsheet
Never played Kayle before, am I doing it right?
Autofill me support and I decided not to dodge as always do. Pavelas Should be proud :) And sorry for nashor and others damage items, i can't rezist xd.
Healing record 94k
Played enchanter kayle support to masters! :3 AMA
I’ve given up our girl 😭
I saw the Field Medic #1 post...
Hit Challenger on the Field medic token playing Kayle support
I hope I did our lady Justice (Lethalborz)
Path 25.4 no changes for Kayle. System buff boots and Yasuo buff. Good thing lulu Nerfs
No Buff for kayle as of now for 25.S1.3
riot kayle
Made it to Challenger EUW playing Kayle Top
Do you guys have a Matchup Bible?
UJard guide updated
Riot August on Kayle and snowball
Kayle can be considered as a hard champion. Here is why
Kayle 25.s1.2 nerf reveal
Another Kayle nerf in Swiftplay
kayle nerfs
New Swiftplay is easy mode for Kayle.
Ok guys I’m actually serious right now, how is this ok
When the unique hope for you team is the late game Kayle.
What lanes are you guys playing kayle and what builds?