Please avoid excess strain and time on the toilet
Forever anemic
good weapons?
How much do you care when you hear another guy fart at the urinals?
This is the best platform for advice about UC .
Sorry saw this on ig 💀😫
Why do all young boys in the south speak like they are from London?
I have just been diagnosed
Which day are you planning to visit for the London experience?
Embarrassed to use the toilet at work
Why do Sikhs have such a great reputation in the UK?
A Family camping on Christmas Island invaded by Robber Crabs at their picnic!
Looking for a replay-able game I can turn my brain off too
Doctor Who's Russell T Davies says there are "conversations" about next showrunner
Afraid to Confess my UC to Date
Stamina or health?
New Player here: What is it that I don't even see that many shrines?
Where to holiday in the UK?
People who grew up in, live in or have worked in small towns. How do attitudes and ways of doing things, differ from larger cities?
Lazy Sunday - How are you spending your day? It's the Sunday chat thread.
What’s a hospital stay like?
Help me name my chocolate lab ☺️
Trump signs the wrong location on Canada's copy of CUSMA
Every Generation of Nintendo on Nintendo Switch
Switch 2 updates to existing games?